Matthew Jeffries


As with most team sports, there are many components of fitness that are important for success. Aerobic fitness would be one of the most important attributes, closely followed by anaerobic fitness and running speed and agility. 

All the tests in the above table can be found below:

The Bleep Test 

So what is the bleep test? 

  • It is a multi-stage fitness test in which you must do 20 metre shuttle runs in time with the bleeps until the bleeps get too quick for you.
  • It is a maximal test which means it will take you to your fitness limit.
  • The shuttle runs are done in time to bleep sounds on a pre-recorded audio cassette.
  • The time between the recorded bleeps decreases every minute as the level goes up.
  • The test usually consists of 23 levels.
  • Only elite athletes can expect to reach the top three. Cyclist Lance Armstrong and footballer David Beckham are two of the few people who can manage it.

What purpose does the bleep test serve? 

The bleep test is used by sports coaches to estimate an athlete's VO2 Max (maximum oxygen uptake). The test is often recommended for players of sports which involve a lot of stop-start sprinting, such as rugby, football or hockey.

The Multi-Stage (Bleep) Fitness Test

Equipment: 20 m measuring tape, prerecording of test, tape player, markers, scoring recorders.

Target Population: Sports teams & school classes. Health screen first!

Advantages: Large groups can do test together.

Disadvantages: Audio tape can stretch, high motivation needed for accurate score, scoring can be subjective.

Procedure: Subjects run between two lines 20m apart trying to keep up with a set of pre-recorded bleeps on a tape or CD. Roughly every minute the level changes (and the bleeps get closer together) and the running speed gets 0.5 km/h faster (start speed is 8.5 km/h).

The athlete tries to keep up with the recording getting as many levels and shuttles into the test as possible.

The results below are not predictions for Max VO2 but are indicators for aerobic fitness. Each score implies the test level and the number of shuttles completed successfully (e.g. 4/6 = level four and six shuttles completed).

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20 Metre Shuttle Run Test (Multistage Fitness Test)

The multistage fitness test, also known as the 20m shuttle run test, beep or bleep test among others, is a very common test of aerobic fitness.

  • Description: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test if also often called the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The time between recorded beeps decrease each minute (level). There are several versions of the test, but one commonly used version has an initial running velocity of 8.5 km/hr, which increases by 0.5 km/hr ...

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