I am doing a training programme for tennis. It will be 8 weeks long, training 3-5 times a week. One of my goals will be to improve endurance; this is so I can last a whole tennis match without becoming too tired.

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I am doing a training programme for tennis.  It will be 8 weeks long, training 3-5 times a week.  One of my goals will be to improve endurance; this is so I can last a whole tennis match without becoming too tired.  The types of training I will use to help achieve my goals:

1:  To improve endurance throughout a tennis match.

2:  To improve strength in my legs around the court.

Are for 1.: -

  • Cardiovascular endurance training
  • Continuous training

I have already tested my endurance with a bleep test where I achieved a level 8.  By the 1st of October I would like to take the bleep test again and achieve a level 9.  My pulse count at rest is 102 bpm, after jogging for 30 seconds it is _ _ _bpm then it takes _ _ seconds to go back to normal resting time.  This is a simple test I will do on the 1st of October to see if my recovery rate has improved, because this will shows how fit I am.

        My second goal is to improve the strength in my legs around the court.  The types of training I will use to help achieve this goal will be:

  • Plyometrics training
  • Strength Training

I have tested this with the vertical jump, where I jumped _ _ _cm.  By the 1st of October I would like to increase this by at least 10cm.

        The principles of fitness are as follows:

  • Specificity- related to this tennis-training programme I would be specifically trying to improve the strength in my legs by running.  
  • Progression – For tennis I would slowly increase the training I would also increase the intensity of training I put on myself when doing the training.  
  • Overload – to progress you need to overload in training, I would e.g. jump on the spot 20 times in one minute, and the next time that I did this I would do the same amount of jumps in 50 seconds, then maybe next time I would do 25 jumps in 50 seconds so I am progressing the strength in my legs needed for playing a tennis match.
  • Reversibility – I would make sure in train at least three times a week because fitness can be reversed easier than it can be gained, and in tennis you need to keep up your level of fitness for a long match with high intensity of play.
  • Testing - I will test with vertical jump and multi-stage fitness test because this will test the strength in my legs that a tennis match needs along with the endurance that is needed as a vital component to making a good tennis player.

The main fitness components required for tennis are: -  

  • Endurance – is the ability to keep going with a movement or activity for as long as possible.

  • Strength static strength – the greatest amount of force that can be applied to an immovable object, explosive strength – this is the strength that is used explosively in one short sharp movement, dynamic strength – this is the strength someone needs to support their body weight over a long period of time, or type of force they’re able to apply against an object.  
  • Agility – How quickly you can change direction
  • Flexibility (suppleness) – Is the range of movement at and around a joint.
  • Speed – reaction time – how quickly a performer can react to something, movement time – how quickly a performer can actually carry out a movement.

I am trying to improve my endurance and strength in a tennis match.  This doesn’t mean that I only consider these aspects in my programme though.  It is important for me to consider other aspects of fitness, but I am recognising that strength and endurance are factors that need to be improved and have identified them as my weak points.

        My Endurance needs to be improved, because a tennis match can last for hours and stamina Is needed to keep standard of play up to your opponents level, and if the match is lasting a long time usually it would mean players abilities are nearly equal and endurance can be the only difference between the players.  In this case the player with more stamina wins because his/her endurance has meant that he/she can easily reach shots compared to someone with little stamina who is out of breath and finds it hard to keep to the pace of the match.

        I have identified strength as a fitness component I need to improve as during a tennis match your legs are being used the whole time.  You are always running around exerting the muscles to carrying your body weight for a long time.  This means that your quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles need to be strong for as long as you need them to be, so also be strong for the time of a tennis match.  This is mainly dynamic strength.


Age:  15

Gender:  Female

Weight:  8st 10lb

Height:  5ft 6in.

Enjoyment:  Tennis, swimming, jogging.

Total amount of training a week: 7 hours 20 mins

Health Problems: none

Injuries:  None

Current level of health: Good level of health, no illnesses

Training at the moment:

  • Tennis 3.30- 4.30 after school Wednesdays – 40 mins of play
  • Rounders 3.30-4.30 after school Thursday- 40 mins of play
  • Tennis training Friday 4.30-6.30- 1 ½ of play
  • Walking every day for about half an hour – 3 ½ hours

  •   Usually a match once a week or more, lasting a minimum of an hour.

Current level of Fitness:  Exercise regularly, generally fit, slightly over weight.  

Bleep test – good, I attained a level 8,7 which I was pleased with because it showed I was relatively fit, although there is room for improvement which is why I am aiming to improve my cardiovascular endurance.

vertical jump – poor.  I jumped the lowest in my class (30cm) and I feel as though with extra training on my leg muscles I could fulfil my potential but at the moment I don’t think this is at a very good standard.

Sports Facilities near: Bromley pavilion centre, Orpington Walnuts centre, West Wickham gym and swimming pool, Beckenham Spa and Amida health club. 

Reasons for training programme: Want to get fitter, lose weight, tone up muscles and improve skills in tennis.

Heart Rate: Resting heart rate is 120 bpm and my maximum heart rate is 205 bpm (220 – age) 

Join now!


1:  To improve endurance throughout tennis match, by the 1st of October and test this by 1st of October.  I am going to test this by doing the multistage fitness test, which I did before and achieved level 8.7.  I aim to achieve at least level 10 by the date stated.

2:  To improve strength in my legs around the court by the 1st of October and test this by 1st of October.  I will test this by increasing my vertical jump from 30cm to 35cm at least.

  1. Endurance (Stamina) Cardiovascular: is the ability for the ...

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