Physical Fitness is the key to succeeding in Sport.  In Gaelic Football Fitness is an essential part of the sport. Fitness can be broken down into two parts, physical fitness and motor fitness. There are many different components of Physical Fitness; there is speed, endurance, flexibility and body composition.  To be victorious in sport motor fitness is also essential at the highest level, this consists of agility, balance, coordination power and reaction time.  In Gaelic Football these components are vital.

In Gaelic Football there are different positions on the field, goalkeeper, full and halfbacks, midfielders, full and half forwards.  The Players in these positions need different physical motor fitness, because of their different tasks on the pitch.

Physical Fitness Components 


This is the capacity to direct movement or effort over a period of time.  Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to carry out movements without tiring for a period of time.


The force applied by a muscle or group of muscles against a resistance during a single maximal muscle contraction.


The ability to move all our joints through their full range of movement, the type of joint and muscle attachment affects it.


The maximum rate at which we can move our bodies, speed is the distance moved per second.


The relative percentage of muscle, fat and bone on our bodies.  Body composition can be on indication to how physically fit a person is.

Motor Fitness Components


The ability of a person to perform coordinated and smooth movements with balance and precision.


The ability to maintain the centre of mass of the body without support.  Static balance is maintaining balance in a fixed position.  Dynamic balance is maintaining balance in unfixed and changing conditions.


The ability of a person to perform a sequence of precise movements.


This is a combination of speed and strength.


This is the time taken between a stimulus and its response.


 (Speed and agility)

Full                                Full                                Full

Right Back                        Centre Back                        Left Back

(Speed and Reaction Time)

Right                                Centre                                Left

Half Back        Half Back                        Half Back

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(Endurance and Strength)

Midfielder              Midfielder

(Endurance and agility)

Right Half                        Centre Half                        Left Half

Forward                        Forward                        Forward

(Balance and power)

Right Full                        Centre Full                        Left Full

Forward                        Forward                        Forward

(Speed and reaction time)

  • Imperative components of fitness


The components of physical importance are strength, this maybe to bust past opponents to clear the ball.  Flexibility is a significant physical fitness for a goalkeeper, because they need to be flexible to save shots from the opposing team. They also have to change ...

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