Physiological effects of the environment on the athlete

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Physiological effects of the environment on the athlete

As an athlete passes through an athletic career, numerous things happen which bring changes in his environment. In the early stages, the most common changes involve long, tiring journeys, sometimes combined with a stay for a number of days in an unfamiliar place. Later in the athlete's career there are more serious changes to take note of, and to prepare for. There are three environmental conditions that an athlete will have to learn how to acclimatize to, these are ,  and water.


At altitude there is reduced air resistance, suggesting an advantage in activities involving speed, i.e. sprints. The force of gravity is reduced, suggesting an advantage where relative and maximum strength is critical.

Some of the immediate effects of exposure to altitude are, increased breathing rate, increased heart rate, nausea, headache, sleeplessness and decrease in . The total effect of these adjustments is a reduction of work capacity.

The long term effects of continued exposure to altitude include, increased haemoglobin volume and concentration, increased blood viscosity, more capillary’s, lower V02max, decreased lactic acid tolerance and reduced stroke volume.

For short term training at altitude, the various benefits associated with it can be offset by other fundamental drawbacks such as,  strange diet, different surroundings and homesickness.

On return from altitude training performances at sea level appear to peak between the 19th and 21st day and then again between 36 days and 48 days performance improves.


The ability to perform vigorous exercise for long periods of time is limited by hyperthermia (over heating) and loss of water and salt in sweating. Athletes should know the hazards of vigorous exercise in hot, humid conditions and should be able to recognize the early warning symptoms that precede heat injury.

The circulatory system functions first to deliver nutrients to the working tissues and remove the waste products; and secondly to regulate the transfer of heat from active muscles to the body surface. It is because of this added demand on blood flow that body temperature regulation, and circulatory capacity, are significantly influenced by the environmental temperature and humidity. When performing in warm, humid conditions the circulation cannot both supply nutrients to muscle and regulate body temperature to the complete satisfaction of the body. As a result, the athlete's performance is decreased, and overheating becomes a serious problem.

Low levels of dehydration can impact performance. E.g. An athlete running 120 seconds over 800 meters, then if low levels of dehydration occur his or her time would be reduced to 132 to 144 seconds.


Thermoregulation is the process of maintaining a constant body core temperature. Our average body temperature is 37°C. The core of the body consists of the head chest and abdomen.

The skin temperature of the body can vary a great deal, however, if the core temperature increased or decreased by 1°C or more, this will effect an athlete’s physical and mental performance. Larger changes in core temperature will lead to hypothermia or hyperthermia, both of which can be fatal. In order to assess the core temperature of a person, there are a number of places a thermometer can be placed, the mouth, ear and under the arm. Doctors and nurses prefer to the ear as it gives the most accurate reading.

Heat Transfer

There are four main methods by which the body can lose and gain heat.


Conduction involves the direct transfer of heat from one object to another. Normally this method of heat loss is not significant unless the person is exercising in cold water. This is because water conducts heat away from the body approximately 25 times more quickly than air. E.g. If a swimmer was competing in a cross channel race they would have to take precaution before entering the cold sea otherwise they might run the risk of hypothermia.


As air molecules are moved across the body, heat will be lost because convection air currents carry the heat away. Wind will increase the flow of air over the skin, thus increasing the amount of heat lost through convection. This is why a breeze feels good on a hot day, and why we use fans to keep use cool.


At rest radiation is the main method of heat loss. It is the process by which heat is lost (via electromagnetic waves) to cooler objects in the environment, such as a cold floor, walls etc. How much heat a person loses through radiation is determined by their size, mass and body composition. People with a high body fat percentage will lose less heat through radiation than a person with a low body fat percentage, because body fat acts as an insulator to radiative heat loss. A tall skinny person will lose more heat through radiation than a sort stocky person. In warm climates, the sun radiates heat to the body, which will increase its temperature. This makes getting rid of excess heat during exercise more difficult, because getting rid of heat via radiation is impossible when both objects are the same temperature.

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Evaporation of sweat from the body is the major method of heat dissipation, particularly during exercise. Heat is transferred continually to the environment as sweat evaporates from the skin surfaces and produces a cooling effect. However, if the environment is humid, evaporation heat loss is reduced. Heat is only lost when sweat evaporates, which it will not do in humid conditions. Therefore, on a hot, humid day, an athlete can be dripping with sweat, but because the sweat is not evaporating it does not cool them down.

Exercising In Heat

Exercise increases metabolic ...

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