Questions were firstly structured to get the basic information about the responders like name, year of birth, sports played and the hours spent playing and training. The questions then diverged into more deep

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In order to undertake my research I conducted a survey of 20 girls in year 11 with birth dates in 1988 or 1989. The girls were selected at random with the only criteria been they were female.

After much consideration I decided on a 20-question survey. The main reason was if the survey were to long it would be to time consuming to complete. The survey contained sixteen strictly quantitative data questions and four qualitative questions. This was done to ensure that participants had the opportunity to explain their answers and also to elaborate. Questions were firstly structured to get the basic information about the responders like name, year of birth, sports played and the hours spent playing and training. The questions then diverged into more deep questions involving what influenced their choices and restrictions on their choices. Finally the survey allowed responders the opportunity to add any other recommendations, advice, thoughts or ideas relating to the topic.

The problems involving my methodology included aspects such as responder involvement. In other words how seriously the girls took the survey. Hopefully it will be treated with importance and show answers involving this. The qualitative questions also posed a problem they were possibly to time consuming and also responders may not feel comfortable giving out such personal information to a fellow student. Time was also another constraint but this was mostly overcome by the minimal size of the survey. Another constraint was cost; this was part of the reason along with availability of responders and time, which influenced the size and amount of girls surveyed. These obstacles were overcome or worked around and I hope that I have chosen the best methodology. The only way to find out for sure is to experiment.

Quantitative Research Data Collected From Surveys
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The following is a summary of the data collected from my surveys:

. Year of birth:

* 1989: 12.

* 1990: 8.

* The results were split 60:40.

2. Do you participate in regular competitive sport:

* Yes: 16.

* No: 4.

* The results were once again split 80:20.

3. Do you participate in regular non-competitive sport:

* Yes: 18.

* No: 2.

* This shows that 90% of girls participate in regular non-competitive sport.

4. ...

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