Sliding-Filament Theory

Proposes that a muscle shortens or lengthens because the thick and thin myofilaments sliding past each other without filament lengths being effected.

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Thus, muscle, fiber, and myofibrils change lengths, but not myofilaments.

Processes of Muscle Contraction:

  1. Nerve impulse moves down T-tubule depolarizing the tubules.
  2. Ca++ is released from the lateral sacks of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum into the Sarcomere among the Myofilaments.
  3. Ca++ binds with Troponin located on Tropomyosin causing active attachment sites to be exposed.
  4. Energized Myosin head attaches to exposed site on Actin filaments, attachment causes head deflection resulting in tension production (pulling action).
  5. Available ATP re-energizes Myosin head, thus breaking Myosin head attachment to Actin filament (breaking the cross-bridge).
  • As attached heads release other heads ...

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