To be able to explain the role of motivation, we have to know what motivation is.

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To be able to explain the role of motivation, we have to know what motivation is.  It can be defined in many different ways.

“…The action or an act of motivating something or someone.  The stimulus, incentive, motives for action towards a goal, resulting from psychological or social factors; the factors giving purpose or direction to behaviour.”  English Oxford Shorter Addition 1993

‘The internal mechanisms and external stimuli which arouse and direct our behaviour’.  Sage 1974

All of the statements above share the same opinion and mention a drive to reach a goal.  These goals are achieved in many different ways because there are various types of motivation.  Motivation is extremely important, without it there would be no reason for anyone to perform.

There are two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.  Intrinsic motivation is when athletes are motivated to perform for themselves, for example, fun, enjoyment, and personal satisfaction.  Extrinsic motivation is the opposite.  It is when athletes are motivated from factors outside the performer.  For example, rewards in the form of money, trophies, and medals.  Rewards such as these act as a reinforcer.

It is best to use a mixture of the two to improve motivation.  It is said that people who are motivated purely by extrinsic needs, tend to drop out of the sport.  However, people who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to continue participating because they have an inner drive.

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Many athletes compete in a sport because they love to play it.  We see this in many of the major sports.  In football, players such as David Beckham earn thousands of pounds every week.  If these players were only motivated by the money they earn (extrinsic motivation), most of them would not continue to perform.  Therefore, there must be some element of intrinsic motivation.

I am an athlete who is motivated both extrinsically and intrinsically.  For example, in a Physical Education lesson, we were told to a series of activities, and whoever performed the best, will receive a ...

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