2. Main Body

2.1 Question 1: Enlargement is/has been

one of the milestones of the process towards a strong European Union.

        2.1.1 What criteria and processes exist for

                 joining the European Union.

The EU has to be very strict with the accession of new member states, because this is a big responsibility for the Union and also for the new members.

For the majority of the countries entering in the Union is one of their main objectives. This is due to the rights and helps they receive and above all the enormous development they will experience.

But the access to the European Union will happen when the associated country may assume the obligations of the member states by satisfying the economic and political conditions which are required.                                                

The EU leaders set in 1993 in the Copenhagen European Council a list of criteria that the newcomers must meet.

According to this list the new member states must have:


  • Stability of Institutions: guaranteeing the rule of law, democracy,  

     human rights and protection and respect for minorities.

  • The aptitude to take on the obligations of the EU Members

(this means to realise a effective application of the EU´s rules and

Join now!


  • To possess a functioning market economy that can cope with

 competitive pressures and market forces within the Union.

The new members have to follow a negotiation process to access to the Union. This process establishes the conditions under which the applicant country will become a member of the Union.

Firstly, to participate from the first day in the institutional structures which run the Union.

They celebrate elections in their countries to obtain a representative of their country, which will be send to the European Parliament, and each nominates a member of the ...

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