Acid rain will continue to decrease as long as tougher emissions standards, especially in the developed countries, continue to be raised to new, higher levels.

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Acid rain will continue to decrease as long as tougher emissions standards, especially in the developed countries, continue to be raised to new, higher levels. The one question mark is developing countries; they do not want to set comply to higher emissions standards because tougher standards will slow the process of strengthening their industries (and economies) to the point where they can compete with the developed countries on the global market . However, there seems to be little literature or data on Acid Rain in developing countries. It could be due to the fact that there is little acid rain, but more likely, the latent problem has yet to be studied as closely as the ultra-meticulous environmental and scientific sector of the acid rain inflicted US and Europe. Consequently, these countries have had good reason to study Acidic Deposition because high water and soil acidity is killing the aquatic and terrestrial life of many regions' lakes and forests.

Moreover, from a US perspective, the vast Pacific Ocean is separating America from any pollutants the prevailing winds might waft in, forming acidic deposition. Because we are relatively isolated from most of the world’s emissions, it is likely that acid rain will continue to decrease in North America as we and Canada enforce stricter standards. There are already signs of decreasing acidity over much of the Northeast US and eastern Canada, places historically hard hit by acidic deposition.

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Likewise, European countries are also somewhat insulated from different regions' emissions due to the Atlantic, and of course, prevailing weather patterns. Assuming the EU and rest of central and eastern Europe continue to lower their emissions in concert, acid rain will most likely decrease universally over Europe. In fact, significant reductions have already occurred. For a graphical forecast of European acidity, click on   Scandanavia, also linked with the European continent, will continue to see further declines in Acidic Deposition. This decrease in acid rain can again be attributed to the almost universal strengthening across Europe and Scandinavia of emissions controls.


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