Analyse of the effects of price transparency in Europe, with particular reference to the car industry

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Analyse of the effects of price transparency in Europe, with particular reference to the car industry

What is price transparency?

Price transparency is a property of efficient markets, and refers to complete comparability of prices for similar goods, across different market segments. It may be looked at in terms of lowering the transaction costs of using markets. As, a consequence, markets should be used more heavily and the goods and services purchased should become a better ‘fit’ to purchasers’ information.

Lack of price transparency was common before modern economies become more information intensive, or knowledge based. Lack of transparency was preferences. As a result, prices could vary significantly across market supported by factors like tax structures, distributor margins, and consumer segments, especially when they were partially dispersed, or in other ways (e.g. culturally, socially or nationally) separated.

A major factor encouraging the demise of non-transparency in pricing has been the development of information technology e.g. personal computers, mobile phones. Above all, the Internet has heralded the arrival of the information age, bringing with it a quantum leap in the quality and volume of accurate price information.  

What is Euro price transparency?

It is anticipated that the adoption of the Euro will promote price transparency throughout the Eurozone. This is because a common currency like the Euro will make price differentials for similar goods and services more evident to buyers. Previously, price differentials could be quite marked, particularly across different nations for similar goods and services. For example, a family salon car could be priced 40 per cent higher than in Italy, and a popular soft drink could be priced twice as high in Germany as in Spain.

These examples refer only to retail prices, but the same could be said of intermediate prices relating to “business to business” activity further up the supply chain. The introduction of the Euro is already having the effect of reducing this price differentials, as better informed businesses and consumers effectively ‘arbitrage away’ price differentials for similar goods and services by competitively seeking the best deals.

Thus, price transparency in the Eurozone should help consumers and businesses discover the best terms of purchase for final and intermediate goods, as well as assisting them in avoiding poor terms of purchase arising from ignorance generated by the ‘mask’ of different national currencies. Further, Euro price transparency is being facilitated by the development of e-commerce, including e-tailing on the Internet.    

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Price Transparency is driven by four rapidly developing pressures:

  • The move to a single currency – the Euro – in 12 countries in Europe
  • The growth of eCommerce
  • The increasing effectiveness of competition policy at both EU and national level, for example VW-Audi
  • The completion of the Single Market by liberalising and privatising telecommunications and energy companies

Differences in Euroland

Prices in Euroland remain surprisingly varied. As chart 1 shows, there is a spread of 20 percentage points in the overall pricing between member states, Spain being overall the cheapest.

(Source: European Commission)

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