Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the First Past the Post Electoral system

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Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the First Past the Post Electoral system The FPTP voting system is the current electoral system used in the UK. The Country is divided into 650 constituencies and each constituency has their own individual MP that represents the people of the constituency. Each MP is voted in by the FPTP system. When election time arrives, each legible voter puts a cross next to the candidate of their choice; the candidate with the most votes in the constituency becomes the MP for that area. Then, the party with the highest number of winning MPs forms the government. The First Past the Post system is also very easy to understand. The simplicity of the system means that it targets a wide
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audience as almost everyone understands the instructions; and in the rare case they do not, it is extremely easy to explain. This is a fantastic advantage as the Government wants a large turnout in elections, as it’s the publics chance to vote for people we believe will serve the country well, and make the correct important decisions on our behalf. Another positive aspect is that a close relationship can be formed between an MP and the constituency; the MP can closely work with the constituency to enable that all the community is able to put forward their view. The fact ...

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