Assess the view that the US Constitution often ensures limited government

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‘Assess the view that the US Constitution often ensures limited government’

When the Founding Fathers met together at the Philadelphia convention in 1787, and wrote the constitution of the United States, they decided upon 4 main provisions; representative and accountable government, the separation of powers between 3 branches of government, a federal structure of government, and finally – limited government. The Founding Fathers yearned for limited government due to their experiences with the British government, one that James Otis described as being tyrannical. They had already gone to war with the British government, over what they saw as an infringement of their rights, and so they were determined to create a government that was restricted by law from infringing citizen’s civil liberties.

What is limited government?

To answer this question, it is important to know what limited government is. Harris defines limited government as being a government that has limitations placed upon it to avoid concentrated power and potential tyranny. There are 4 main methods written into the US constitution designed to prevent this; the separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism and entrenched rights protecting the liberties of citizens through the Bill of Rights, as well as other articles within the constitution. Each of these methods will be assessed as to how well they have ensured that government’s power is limited.

Separation of Powers

The doctrine of Separation of Powers originated from Montesquieu, who in his book ‘The Spirit of the Laws’ argued that a separation of powers was essential to avoid tyranny.  The Doctrine argued that to prevent tyrannical governments, political power had to be distributed horizontally across 3 branches – an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary, all with equal power.  The Founding fathers implemented this, through the president, Congress, and the US Court system with a Supreme Court, which holds ultimate judicial power. This separation of powers was designed to limit government, as each branch would carry out different functions of government, so no branch of government has total control the way that a dictatorship would. Each of these branches has a number of different functions. The executive has the power to execute the law, be it an act passed by Congress, or a ruling of the court. This power is laid down in section 3 of Article 2 of the US constitution, which says ‘[the president] will take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed’. Congress has legislative power, under section 1 of Article 1, and also has the power of the purse, under section 8 of Article 1. Finally, the judiciary rules on the constitutional legality of legislation passed by Congress and executive orders, under section 3 of Article 3 of the constitution. The power to limit government through the separation of powers can be demonstrated in the case of Brown v Board of Education, in 1954. The Supreme Court ruled that state laws establishing separate schools for black and white students, were unconstitutional. The Supreme Court declared this illegal, but were powerless to do anything else. Only the executive has the power to have the laws enforced, and the executive needs funding from congress to help enact the decision. Without the will of the other branches, nothing will get done, therefore limiting the government, as it needs all three branches to agree to have anything done. One example of where the President has enforced a decision of the Supreme court was in 1957, when President Eisenhower deployed 101st Airborne division to Little Rock Central high school, in order to follow the decision of Brown v Board of education, following Arkansas’s Governor Orval Faubus call for the state National guard to block black student’s entry to the school.This demonstrates that no one branch can do anything by itself, and therefore, the separation of powers, upheld by the constitution, means that government is limited in what it can do.

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The constitution has allowed some cases where the president has not followed a decision of the Court. This happened in 1942, when a group of German saboteurs were landed in Florida and Long Island. They were all picked up within 2 weeks. Roosevelt brought in the attorney general and said: “They will be tried in a military court, they will be executed, it should happen within 3 weeks, and tell the Supreme Court if they issue a writ of habeus corpus (court summons), I will not honor, and therefore they should not issue it. I am the commander in chief ...

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