Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

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Geography – Miss Chant        

Cheryl Samuels 13F

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is designed to deliver economic viability, environmental improvement and rural development. The proposal set the framework for creating a competitive, sustainable EU agriculture industry. The EU had to find a fair, practical and acceptable way forward, capable of delivering real benefits to EU farmers and to society as a whole.

  • Increase agricultural productivity thus to ensure a fair standard of living for agricultural producers;
  • Stabilise food prices and food supplies;
  • Assure availability of supplies to consumers;
  • Ensure reasonable prices to consumers.

After World War 2 agriculture was badly disrupted and rationing highlighted the importance of countries being self sufficient in food supplies. In many countries farming was very important. By 1957 at the Treaty of Rome it was recognised that agriculture was declining as industry grew. The CAP was necessary because food has a low price of elasticity demand meaning that consumers will not necessarily but more food because it is cheaper because people can only eat so much so therefore on a good year farmers may receive a lower income therefore there is no incentive to boost production the next year, they may even cut down the production and in turn this could cause a shortage and the prices to rise again. This could cause a long-term decline or uncertainty in food output. The CAP is designed to make the market more stable.

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The CAP aims to aid farming by:

  • Preventing the prices farmers get for their products from falling below a certain level. To prevent the price falling too par, a price level is set by the EU called the Intervention Price. This prices ensures the farmer’s income and the price don’t fall further.
  • Controlling imports of cheap food from countries outside the EU, which could undercut EU farmers. Cheap imports into EU countries would undermine the EU’s attempts to maintain farmers’ income because the price of EU produce would have to fall in order to compete. To control this a ...

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