Critically examine the ways a pressure group contributes to representative democracy

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Critically examine the ways a pressure group contributes to representative democracy

  1. states what representative democracy is
  2. three/four paragraphs on what the pro-pluralist view is. Use the cards.
  3. For each statement to ensure that you link the idea to the title
  4. Throughout give examples of pressure groups to support your case
  5. The case against. Now outline the anti-pluralist view ( Robert's page 331)

In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them.  In doing this, citizens hand over the responsibility for making decisions to someone else.  In Britian voters elect members of parliament’s (MPs) to represent them every four to five years and this makes the representatives in some way accountable to the electorate. However many are unsatisfied with their representation and join pressure groups to make their views heard. The question is, is this good or bad for our democracy?

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        Pluralism is the way in which the electorate joins groups to have an effect on government. Many pro-pluralists believe pluralism exists to stop the perceived failures of a representative democracy. They think pluralism contributes to representative democracy because people are denied influence between elections. Furthermore they add that manifesto promises are usually broken, with no repercussions on the government. Pressure groups like Greenpeace, put pressure on the government to not do this.

        Another good reason for pressure groups is people are denied influence between elections and even in elections a single vote doesn’t have much of an affect on the ...

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