Describe the key international institutions and their impact on UK public services:

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Assignment 1 – International Institutions and Their Impact on UK Public Services


Describe the key international institutions and their impact on UK public services:

The United Nations (UN) is an organisation that was established after the Second World War. Article one of The Charter of the UN states that UN has four main original purposes and principals.

The first, is to maintain international peace and security, the second is to develop friendly relations among nations based on equality, the third is to achieve international cooperation in solving problems in economical, social, cultural or humanitarian issues and the fourth purpose is to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in accordance with the above stated purposes and principles (1948). The United Nations is an international organization made up of international institutions. UN includes their own Central system and specialized agencies.

The World War II took place in 1945 and after the war finished the UN was founded to replace the  to provide a platform for dialogue and to stop wars happening between countries. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.

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The United Nations supports the key role the UK public services have in the UN peacekeeping operations and military action. E.g. in Afghanistan and Iraq. The UN can utilise the armed and civilian public services to help maintain peace and resolve conflict globally. The decisions the UN make can a have a big impact on the UK public services. They may be required to support peacekeeping operations to provide and deliver aid in times of large scales overseas disaster such as the Asian tsunami in 2004.

The European Union is an economic and political union of ...

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3 Stars - In places there is a narrative clarity about this assignment; the main international institutions - their aims and functions, are explained very competently. Some paragraphs directly refer to, and answer, the set question - but in other paragraphs the focus is somewhat more implicit. From the perspective of essay technique, the lack of a conclusion dilutes the power of argument in the essay - there is no summary or final answer. Although the international institutions were well defined, the notion of public services was less well established and was narrowly focused on the armed forces. The use of references was not clear, and there should be a broader range of sources used at A-Level than just websites like wikipedia.