Discuss the advantages of Communism over other political theories like Capitalism.

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In this essay I am going to argue the case for communism as a way to govern a country. I am going to discuss the advantages of Communism over other political theories like Capitalism.

Communism is a concept or system of society in which the community owns the major resources and means of production rather than individuals.  This means that everything should be shared between the people. That also suggests that society would not need a government because this society would be without rulers. However, communism also involves the abolition of private property by a revolutionary movement.

Since the Russian Revolution in1917, the centre of global communism has moved away from Western Europe, where it started, towards China and some Third World movements where they have been striving for national independence and social change.

In the early 19th century the idea of a communist society was a response of the poor and dislocated to the beginning of modern capitalism. At that time, communism was the basis for a number of Utopian settlements, most experiments, however, failed eventually. These small private experiments involved voluntary cooperation, with everyone participating in the governing process. Later the term communism was reserved for the philosophy advanced by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Communist Manifesto and the movement they helped create in Central Europe.

Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the city of Trier in Prussia now Germany. He was one of seven children of Jewish Parents. Marx attended high school in his hometown in (1830-1835). During high school years he was always politically rebellious and often was drunk and disorderly causing him to spend a lot of time in jail. After high school he went to university in Berlin. In October of 1842, Marx became an editor of the paper Rheinische Zeitung and as the editor wrote editorials on socioeconomic issues such as poverty. However, the Prussian government suspended it because of “pressures from the government of Russia.” So, Marx went to Paris to study “French Communism.” In June of 1843 he was married to Jenny Von Westphalen. Paris was also the place were Marx and Engels joined forces at the end of August in 1844. This time they had more in common. Engels had rejected the Young Hegelians and other “radical bourgeois” acquaintances. Marx had moved rapidly into communism. They had reached a common point. Marx had introduced Engels to the editors of a new radical journal in Paris called Vorwarts which after a vague beginning had become an organ of revolutionary and communist propaganda. But later on, the Prussian government in 1845 closed down the Vorwarts. This forced Marx, along with a small group of others, among them the Russian radical Mikhail Bakunin to move to Brussels

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In their writings Marx and Engels tried to analyze society which they described as capitalistic. They pointed out the differences between ideals and reality in modern society. Rights granted to all had not done away with injustices, constitutional self government had not abolished mismanagement and corruption, science provided mastery over nature but nor over fluctuations of the business cycle and the efficiency of modern production methods had produced slums in midst of abundance. They described all human history as the attempt of men and women to develop and apply their potential for creativity for the purpose of controlling the ...

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