How successful has constitutional reform been since 1997 ?

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How successful has constitutional reform been since 1997 ?

Tony Blair’s ‘ Things can only get better’ campaign got him into the hearts of the british people, a 179 seat Majority in the House of Commons ,  and  the position of prime minister in 1997 . This essay will aim to take you through the changes Blair made to meet his aims of Democratization, Decentralization , Restoration of rights , and Modernization . It will also apart from go into these four things in detail,attempt to show you how these changes affected the United Kingdom as a whole and if it was for good and at all successful and how successful these reforms are and were.

Before the Labour party came in , in 1997, the conservatives enjoyed a long honeymoon period from 1964 to 1970 . And too much of the british political system was seen as undemocratic . Primarily the unselected house of lords and the first past the post electoral system . Labour came in promising ‘ a stake- holder society ; Welfare to work ; Joined -up government ; Economic prudence ; a third way.’ The Labour partys’ policy dealt with social Political, Economic problems as well as Foreign policy.

In Terms of ‘social‘ They increased spending on public services such as health, education, and welfare They also in 2001 , increased support for single working mothers, and partial nursery funding for pre school children . However the ban on fox hunting did not go through until 2005. These things all fall into the category of one of the main aims of the Labour party which was restoration of rights because during the 1980’s the only thing generally  feared more than communism was the erosion of British citizens rights and the Labour party felt the need to bring Europe more in line on this issue . They proposed the incorporation of the European convention of human rights into british law . Also the Freedom of information act . However , this act wasn't passed till 2000, and wasn't effective till 2005 . It afforded the public the right to see official documents .  The labour party attempted to further entrench the Rights of citizens with the Human rights act in 1998 . this was inclusion of the european convention on human rights into British law in 2000 . They took measures to keep the bridge of citizens rights from falling into the sea however, the human rights act , though vital, has not been given the political status it needs and the fact that european convention cant overrule Acts of parliament means the rights can still be trampled on by powerful governments . The anti terrorist measures ratified  after September 11th are seen as a case in point.Also , the freedom of information act , although a good idea was too weak and allowed governments to remain excessively secretive. Also, In 2011 , the importance of the human rights act is being questioned and the need for it even more so. The prime minister strongly feels it should be scrapped and a british bill of rights will be introduced because they feel the act leaves too much room for different interpretations which isn't good for the country.

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In terms of ‘ Political / constitutional’, the labour party partially reformed the lords , and introduced devolution , including the new use of electoral systems in the scottish parliament and welsh assembly . They also had lots of unfinished projects and halfway houses coherent . which makes people stop to think if it was a lucid program . These things fall under Democratisation . This was seen as important because too much of the british system was seen as undemocratic . Primarily the unselected House of lords and the first past the post political system. To increase democratisation ...

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3 stars - The strength of this essay is that it follows the conventions and structure of a good essay effectively. The essay also demonstrates good knowledge of reforms post 1997, and deploys that knowledge through clearly explained, relevant examples. Where this essay could be improved is by being more focused on the question - the focus is CONSTITUTIONAL reform - the essay is very general and therefore includes some material that is not necessary to answer the question. The essay would also benefit from thorough proof reading - capital letters are used inaccurately and inconsistently, and in places sentences do not make complete sense.