Is the labour party a socialist party.

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        The current Labour Party holds a belief some elements of socialism, but the party hold more anti-socialist beliefs.  Overall, they are more anti-socialist, with a few elements of socialism.  

        Socialism’s key features are equality, which is followed by the Labour government to a certain extent, but there is a lot of inequality in their policies.  Part of the equality element of socialism is the redistribution of income and wealth, which used to be followed by the Labour Party, but now the party believes that the creation of an economy in which all can benefit is more effective.  Another element of equality is a classless society, but Britain is still conscious of class.  The Labour party is mostly made up of middle-class members, with only 15% of its members coming from a working-class background.   The Labour party supports self-reliance and individual opportunity, which disagrees with the socialist view that capitalism results in injustice, and also disagrees with the belief of redistribution of income and wealth.  

        Socialism believes in common ownership, which has always traditionally been a Labour principle, but recently, since they gained power in 1997, they have suggested part privatisation and full privatisation of some of the main public services, such as health, education and the tube system in London.

        Since gaining leadership in 1997, the party has not pledged to nationalise any of the industries privatised by the Conservative governments, which is something that a socialist party would have certainly done.  The current Labour government has also failed to raise income taxes since being in power.  They have also failed to depart from the spending plans of previous governments.  It has courted the middle class, the City and industry, and has almost disowned the trade union movement, a movement that was such a strong part of the old, very socialist Labour party.  

        The Labour party has succeeded in keeping and holding two main features of Socialism, which are cooperation and community, where the party’s central policy has always been the creation of better living and working conditions via better health care, social security and through other state services.  This is still the case today.  The Labour party of the 1990s believes that the fulfilment of individual potential can only be fully realised within a strong and cohesive community.  It believes in the provision of good public services, high quality health care and education and in the security of safe, crime-free streets.  

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        The Labour party has also succeeded in holding a main feature of socialism, which is internationalism, the Labour party is still against aggressive nationalism and xenophobia, as one would expect from any government in Britain in recent years.  The idea of equal opportunities is strongly supported by the Labour party.

        If the Labour party was still a socialist party, the Socialist Labour party, a party in which Arthur Scargill (former Union leader) is very actively involved, would not exist. There would also be no need for the Socialist Worker Party if the Labour party was still as socialist and represented ...

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