Karl Heinrich Marx (1818 - 1883) grew up in an age of repression.

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The latter part of the nineteenth century was teeming with evolved social and economical ideas. These views of the social structure of industrial society came about through the development of ideals taken from past revolutions such as the Industrial Revolution which steamed ahead paving the way for growing commerce, and widened the gap between the classes. The development of a capitalist society was a very favorable goal in the eyes of the bourgeoisie. But it had negative implications on was the working-class and the proletarians who were exploited a great deal under the reign of capitalism. During this era of turmoil and anxiety, Karl Marx and Max Weber were two of the most influential sociologist. Both their views on the rise of capitalism have various similarities and differences.

 Karl Heinrich Marx (1818 - 1883) grew up in an age of repression. Marx's feeling of oppression was heightened by his family's conversion to Lutheranism just prior to his birth in order to escape the legal roadblocks and stigma of being Jewish (Pfohl 433). Marx thus was exposed to systematic discrimination and a strong desire to eliminate this oppressive system with a system that, instead of benefiting a select few, was concerned with the social welfare and social justice for all. It was this loathing of oppressive government and artificial hierarchical systems imposed upon others that shaped the young Marx's budding philosophy theories.   Marx's primary works include Das Kapital and Economic Works. At the end of World War I when the German Empire collapsed totally, Max Weber (1864 – 1920) was living in Munich. In the absence of any government, the people established their own which the called the Soviet of Munich, imitating those of the Russian Revolution the year before. Weber was elected to the Soviet where he met Kurt Eisner, its leader. Eisner was a creative and innovative man who seemed to know what to do when no one else did. Weber considered him an archetype of the charismatic leader and wrote his theories under his silhouette. Weber’s primary works include The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

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Weber can be said to agree with Marx concerning the alienation of the individual in Industrial Society. For Weber this centers around the 'rationalization' of the West due to the spread of bureaucracy. Weber's belief was that Industrial Societies inevitable trend was to more and more rationalization. Thus he was certain bureaucracies were the most efficient and most rational known means of exercising authority over human beings. Offices are ranked in a hierarchical order and their operations are characterized by impersonal rules also appointments are made according to specialized qualifications. Therefore bureaucracies were thought to be reliable, precise and stable. ...

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