Leadership Styles

In this task I will describe leadership styles and their use in the uniformed public services. I will include examples of public service situations when each style may be used.

I will also compare different leadership styles used in the uniformed public services, evaluate the effectiveness and draw conclusions about why this is the case and consider whether the styles make the team leader effective or not and why.

Leadership Styles

A leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction for a team, implementing plans and motivating people to complete a task. There are several different leadership styles, each with advantages and disadvantages. The public services are constantly changing in response to changes in public expectations, the law and the current political environment and so the styles of leadership they use change and evolve too.

Authoritarian leadership – is a very direct leadership style where the leader tells the team members what they must do.

Sometimes this style is also described as autocratic. It is often considered a classic leadership style and is used when a leader wishes to retain as much power as possible and maintain control over the decision making process. It involves the leader telling the team members what they must do without any form of consultation or negotiation. Team members are expected to obey orders without receiving any explanation. Appropriate conditions when you might use this leadership style are:

  • You have all the information to solve the problem
  • You are working to a tight deadline
  • The team is well motivated and used to working for an authoritarian leader.

Generally, this approach is not considered to be the most appropriate way to get the best response from a team in ordinary working life, but it has distinct advantages in situations where there is great urgency and pressure to achieve, such as the armed forces. Autocratic leaders may rely on threats or intimidation to ensure that followers conform to what the leader requires. In addition, this approach could devalue team members by ignoring their expertise and input and discouraging demonstrations of initiative.

Table: Pros and cons of authoritarian style of leadership.

Democratic leadership – is a style of leadership where the leader maintains control of the group, but team members’ opinions and views are encouraged and the leader informs the team about issues which may affect them.

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In this approach the leader encourages the followers to become a part of the decision-making process. The leader still maintains control of the group and ownership of the final decision, but input from team members is encouraged and the leader informs team members about factors that may have an impact on them, the team and the project.

This encourages a sense of responsibility in team members who feel that they have a vested interest in the success of the project or operation. It allows a leader to draw upon the expertise and experience of a team in order to achieve ...

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3 Stars - A very thorough, well organised and well written assignment that considers a wide range of points. Where this piece could be improved is through more consistent use of practical examples that demonstrate the theoretical points. Also, with proof reading and editing it would become more apparent that there are passages that are repetitious.