Nationalism is inherently aggressive and expansionist. Discuss

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Nationalism is inherently aggressive and expansionist. Discuss.

The term nationalism is derived from nasci, which means ‘to be born’. Nationalism is often regarded as a 19th century phenomenon, linked with the creation and development of the nation-state, and seen by many critics as outdated, because it is inherently expansionist, destructive, or both. Whether it is really depends on the type of nationalism that is being considered. To begin with, there are two contrasting concepts of nationalism. Cultural Nationalism sees the nation primarily as a cultural community, and thus emphasises ethnic or religious ties and loyalties. By contrast, Political Nationalism sees the nation primarily as a political community and so stresses civil and constitutional bonds and allegiances. Cultural Nationalism usually takes the form of national self-affirmation, which provides the means by which people acquire their identity and sense of belonging. Welsh Nationalism, with its stress on the Welsh language, would be an example, as would be Black Nationalism in the USA, with priority given to the ‘rediscovery’ of Africa as a spiritual and cultural homeland. Often there is a strong overlap between nation and ethnicity, derived from the over-riding idea that nations are organic, and are thus not fashioned by political forces. There is also a clear link here with religious fundamentalism, and so Cultural Nationalism is manifestly capable of breeding insularity, which can often be seen as destructive. Political Nationalism stresses civic loyalties, and so the key issue becomes one of shared citizenship, regardless of cultural, ethnic or religious loyalties. On this basis, to some extent at least, nations are artificial edifices, though with definable political characters. The UK, for example, is a union of four cultural nations.

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Nationalism is a political doctrine based on the principle that a group of people bound by common values (a nation), have the right to form a state. Because it is a doctrine as opposed to an ideology, nationalism is compatible with various opposing political beliefs. This means that there are many forms of nationalism based on both how to define a nation, and the ideas of different political ideologies.  In this essay I will discuss whether each of these are inherently aggressive and expansionist.  

Firstly, a nation can be defined by ethnicity and culture. This is the ...

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