Politics In The Classroom

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      The debate topic is: whether in times of national crisis, should professors have either the right or obligation to discuss these issues in class regardless of class syllabus. My position is that a professor teaching a course of soft sciences has the obligation to discuss crisis occurring at the moment. I hold the stance that a professor has the right not the obligation to state his opinion on the affair. The later view concerns all courses even those outside the soft sciences.

      The importance of college is that it helps us prepare for the real world. Academic freedom is not only important for faculty members to further their research and teach their courses without outside intervention, but it gives the professor the right to allow an open discussion and debate in the classroom on issues that he considers crucial. Through the articles, books and even some projects that professors assigns he has an agenda and ideas he is imposing in the classroom.  So why is it wrong for the professor to directly state his opinion in politics, war or any form of crisis? Only two things can happen: students can agree with the professor and change their formal views because of argument from authority or students can find flaws in the professor’s argument and reinforce their  preconceived notions. Either way is helping students become independent critical thinkers.

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     Often students come into college with a black or white perspective. Student come across people, beliefs and ideas that oppose their own beliefs. However, this collision of opposing ideas that professors bring into the classroom is an incentive for students to become relativists and acquire the learning they need to contribute to their society. In a classroom of soft sciences, if any national crisis is happening at the moment, it should be discussed in classroom with or without the syllabus. In these cases the professor has the obligation to bring theses topics ...

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