Single currency and European Monetary Union. The chosen topic is number four: "What are the experiences of the single currency? Did it fulfil the expectations of the Member States, the EU and the European business?".

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Krámer Kornél                18/11/2001


This essay is going to handle the issue of the single currency and European Monetary Union. The chosen topic is number four: “What are the experiences of the single currency? Did it fulfil the expectations of the Member States, the EU and the European business?”. This essay contains a lot of sources and tries to elucidate this issue. What is more, this topic is very important in the case of our country, Hungary, because as a future member of the EU, we are going to use euro as a currency. First of all, this essay is going to explain the history of the euro.

On 5 November 1997, the Commission of the EU published an announcement, called “The impact of the changeover to the euro on community policies, institutions and legislation”. It was the first document, which talked about a single currency in details. It provided an assessment of the practical consequences for Community policies as a result of the euro, the euro-compatibility, and the technical and operational consequences for the Commission.

On 1 January 1999, the euro became the currency for 11 Member States, They are Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland. They agreed that the national currencies become “non-decimal” sub-units of the euro. In 1999 the euro was only scriptural currency. That means that there were not banknotes and coins. Many financial markets switch to euro: foreign exchange, share and bond markets. The Commission agreed that the transition period is between 1/1 1999 and 31/12/2001.

On 6 October 1998, the European Parliament adopted its report, called Langen, on the announcement, in which they request the Commission to provide the Parliament with a progress report.

On 19 June 2000, the Council made a decision, and agreed to affiliate Greece as the 12th member of the participants. A council regulation sets conversation rate between the euro and the drachma as 340,75 Greek drachma. On 1 January 2001 Greece adopts the euro.

During the year 2001 the Commission is making an information campaign on security features of the euro banknotes and coins. It has a plan to load banks and large retailers with the new single currency till the end of 2001.

The future plans are the followings: on 1 January 2002 the euro banknotes an coins are going to be in circulation. This date is also called the E-Day. The Member states will make a complete changeover to the euro on public administration and the financial institutions must denominate all scriptural transactions in euro. On 28 February 2002 national currencies will be withdrawn from. This is the latest deadline.

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It is indispensable to say a few words about the European Monetary Union. It was formally adopted by the Treaty on European Union of 1992. EMU designates the zone of countries within EU which share the same monetary policy and currency, the euro. It began on 1 January 1999 when the euro became a legal currency and the national currencies of 11 participating countries subdivisions of it.

The next point of the essay talks about the experiences with the euro. Almost all of the Member States has doubts with the new single currency. To solve these doubts the Commission ...

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