Supremacy of the European Union has, to all intents and purposes, crippled the domestic system of the law. Discuss

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Supremacy of the European Union has, to all intents and purposes, crippled the domestic system of the law.


“No longer is European law an incoming tide, flowing up the estuaries of England. It is now like a tidal wave, bringing down our sea walls and flowing inland over our fields and houses – to the dismay of all”  The Late Lord Denning, 1990.


  The issues of European Supremacy began long before they threatened our legal system. In 1957, when the Treaty of Rome was first shaped, the forefathers of a Federal Europe knew exactly what they intended for member states. During Macmillan’s reign as Prime Minister (1957 – 1963), he and his Conservative Government accepted the inevitability of the EEC and sought to place Britain at its heart, reasoning that we could provide the Europeans with sound political leadership, due to our diplomatic experience, skills in negotiation and a special relationship with the US. A theory that would be proven to be tenuous. In the creation of the Treaty of Rome, three directives were to be met, (1) To achieve peace in Western Europe  (2) To form a customs union, facilitating a strong trade block and  (3) Build an alternative Super-power to rival the US and the USSR. Macmillan’s application for British membership of the EEC was met with rebuttal, in 1963, Charles De Gaulle vetoed the request suggesting, “ .. Britain’s nature, structure and situation differ profoundly from those of the Continentals .. “ But in reality, was concerned with the UK’s close association with the US. He vetoed again in 1967. Britain’s integration would be at the behest of the founding fathers European goal.

  In 1971, Edward Heath had a white paper distributed to each and every household in Britain detailing the impending devotion to a European community outlining, ‘Britain losing essential sovereignty’ but dismissed fears of loss of independence as ‘completely unjustified – No Nation in the (Community) would be able to override another, Britain would keep her own Parliament, Courts and Legal system’. Geoffrey Howe reiterated Heath’s appraisal saying, “ .. The impact of the (Community) law is, by definition, confined to essentially economic matters .. “ In practice however, EU law has extended far beyond such matters. (R v Chief Constable of Sussex, ex parte International Traders Ferry Ltd (1997) 2 All ER 65)

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  Until Maastricht, the EC could remain an economic association of sovereign States, since (1992) Maastricht, and even more so since (1997) Amsterdam, there can be no argument that we are heading toward a political, monetary and economic union, or the birth of a state called EUROPE. EU law, including regulations made by un-elected bureaucrats of the EU Commission, now take precedence to the twin legal systems of Britain, the tried and tested institutions of both Common and Statute law, undermining our own Parliament, Courts and Customs. EU convention insists that member States pass ‘necessary and appropriate measures (legislation) ...

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