The Council of Ministers.

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The Council of Ministers

F. and  H. Wallace (1997)


The Council of the European Union is the most important of institutions. It’s the main source of Eu legislation, shearing legislative power with European Commission and the European Parliament. Council exercises executive power under the treaties with Commission. Members are ministers drawn from national governments. Council makes reports to the European Parliament on its actions and is in constant dialogue with Commission. Council could be a blockage to European political integration but it could be also a savior of common sense politics. Council locks the leading politicians from the member states into permanent discussion about their cooperation. He is not the most innovate of EU institutions. It seems a more familiar beast in two senses. First, its attributes resemble the traditional features of content ional international organizations. Second, it’s a much an excrescence of the member states as the result of institutional innovation at the European level.


What is the Council?

Executive and legislative

The Council and the Commission share executive functions. Increasingly the Council and the European Parliament share legislative functions. The Council thus acts in both legislative and executive modes.

        European and National

The members of the Council are first and foremost nationals politicians who think of themselves and indeed are elected as nations politicians. The national dimension of the Council and it’s sub-structures is visible in the role of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) and the permanent representations of the member states in Brussels.

        Multi-issue and Sectoral

The council meets in specialist formation to deal with sector specific issues, agriculture is the best known and most long-standing example. This segmentation of decision making brings together representatives from the member states who are immersed in the politics, the economics and technicalities of the sector.

        Both a Forum for Negotiations and forum for Decision

Council performs key executive and legislative tasks for the European Union, which in a system of governance composed o liberal democratic countries, implies that the Council work should be exposed to scruting

Legal Definitions and Basic Decision Rules

Who constitutes the Council.

The Council under the treaties consist of the person delegated by the member states. The Council can take decisions on any topic for which the treaties empower the Council to act. Council is called Council of Ministers, but it’s not a correct title. The important point is that the Council consists of those whom the members states seek to mandate. The Council in practice consists of a pyramid of meetings from the working expert to the ministerial level.

        What does the Council do?

Council represents interests of the member states. It’s the main legislative body of the European Union. It shares decisions with the Commission and the European Parliament on the development of the community budget, both income and expenditure. It represents EU vis-à-vis other countries. The output of the Council consist of formal and final decisions on legislative acts that are recorded in the Official Journal. Sometimes the Council acts alone but more often its work is tied into the work of other EU institutions. The political territory of the Council is often a subject of dispute with other institutions especial with European Parliament and Commission.

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How does the council work?

Devices to oil the Council machine

The Council is a busy organization in need of mechanism to facilitate its work. The Council presidency has acquired increased importance and carries the weight of considerable expectations as to the enhanced responsibilities it might bear. The General Secretariat of the Council has established itself as an important part of the institutional infrastructure for the Council. Some say that the Franco-German tandem has long engine others that the impetus still often comes from the founder member governments.

With whom does the Council interact?

The ...

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