There is no longer any significant barriers to opporunity for African Americans ~ Discuss

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‘There are no longer any significant barriers to opportunity for African Americans’ ~ Discuss

It starts with ‘I have a Dream’. The famous speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr in 1963, the speech that called for the end of racial discrimination and societal equality for all. Many years later, we continue to ask ourselves the question as to whether or not we have done enough to fulfill that dream.

Following this infamous speech, the United States saw the 1964 Civil rights act passed into law by President Johnson (Followed by executive orders 11246 and 11375). It prevented further discrimination in the workplace, schools and publically owned facilities. This represented a major landmark in the civil rights movement for African Americans in particular, who had until then suffered heavy segregation from the white populace. Though this is arguably not a form of affirmative action, which entails the active compensation for victims of past societal and legal discrimination, it did highlight the issues regarding race to the wider populace of the country. Prior to the Civil rights act, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v Board of Education that the discriminatory nature of the public education system was unconstitutional according to the equal protection clause of the XIVth amendment, and from then on set a judicial precedent against wider racial discrimination.

In modern day America there is indeed an argument for the ‘recovery’ of previously racially abused minorities. People such as President Barack Obama and Supreme Court judge Clarence Thomas are examples of high-ranking government officials who defy the argument that African Americans lack opportunity in politics, especially when having a black president would have seemed to be nothing more than a crazy pipe dream a century ago. Affirmative action has also arguably increased the representation of minority groups in areas of commerce; in 1973 President Nixon signed Executive 11625 into law, which allowed the state to take affirmative action when considering supporting startup enterprises. Now, in 2012 the US authorities claim that minority participation in business has increased by 31.3% since 2000. Furthermore, in the 2003 court case Grutter v Bollinger the Supreme Court upheld the right of Michigan state University admissions (And therefore all public university admissions) to use affirmative action to benefit underrepresented groups. Indeed, the top Universities in the US admit to having broken previous records with an 11.8% African-American intake of students (Which fairly represents the proportion of the population who are African Americans at around 12%). This crucially goes a long way to addressing the problems with failed aspirations to success within the African-American community, by providing more entry points into becoming productive, equal members of society. One can therefore argue that atleast the previous days of institutionalised bias discriminating against African-Americans and denying them opportunities has largely been removed, especially in the all important sphere of education which ultimately equips individuals with the tools to become productive.

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One also cannot ignore the controversy surrounding affirmative action and its apparent effects on promoting minority interests. Several prominent African-Americans, including Clarence Thomas, have openly argued that it is a flawed concept that ultimately devalues the achievements and potential of their race. They argue that by suggesting that a black person is ‘not good enough’ without affirmative action to assist them provides an artificial barrier that can affect the self-esteem and integrity of the individual, not to mention that it can be grossly offensive and racist as a concept in of itself. It also creates friction between the white population ...

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