To what extent does Parliament control executive power?

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To what extent does Parliament control executive power?

Executive is the branch of government that is responsible for the implementation of laws and policies made by parliament. They hold a substantial amount of authority and responsibility and have the ability to enforce legislation, formulate government policies and govern general maintenance. Alongside the PM, the cabinet and all the ministers form an alliance together to form this exclusive body of executive power. The parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, which includes various party representatives, Lord Hailsham stated that the UK has an ‘elective dictatorship’, implying that executive is able to dominate the legislature, meaning that they used to have more power than parliament, but many things have changed so has parliaments power, but it can be improved.

There has been a strong argument that parliament does control executive efficiently. Standing and select committees, are chosen by an independent body as of 2010 under the Bercow and Wright reforms, which are able to act by an independently from the executive, often giving greater power to backbenchers, junior ministers and the H.O.L committees peers and therefore scrutinising department effectively; the H.O.L committees perhaps to an even greater extent given the greater time and expertise involved. The Bercow and Wright reforms created a membership of the committees which are now being voted for by parties, not awarded by the party whips, moreover, as they don’t have to please the whips to get selected to stay in their role, they have freedom to criticise government departments, national institutions, thus parliament is now seen as “more bulldog, less poodle” according to Lord Steven Young. However even though the party choose the people who are in the committee and even if the head is from the opposition the majority of the committee would be of the governments party, so they still obey the government proving furthermore that the executives are in power.

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When the parliament feels that the executives are using more power than they have or are not using the power correctly, then parliament does have the ability to dismiss the government. This can be seen with Callghans minority government in 1976-9, but also individuals such as Thatcher and Blair both of which eventually lost favour within parliament and their own party. However, as we know that in 2011 Fixed-term parliament Act was introduced under the coalition government which states in section 1 that the government can only hold general elections every 5 years, and in section 2 it says that ...

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