Was the opposition to the Tsarist policies in the later half of the 19th Century too Insignificant to pose any real threat

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Was the opposition to the Tsarist policies in the later half of the 19th Century too Insignificant to pose any real threat.

        There were many reasons as to why opposition grew in the second half of the 19th century. After Alexander the second had allowed democratic ideas to enter the country and had broadened education therefore increasing the intelligencia, for Alexander the third to then come to power and withdraw all of these reforms , retraction, repression and Russification, that his predecessor had made upset much of the population who had had a taste of Democracy and know wanted more. This was one of the main reasons for general opposition to rise up.

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        The early rebellions began in the 1860’s with two main groups the first of which was the Nihilists. Popular on Russian Universities campuses Nihilists believed a better society could only be achieved after the destruction of the present system. However this eventually resulted in University clamp down and renewed censorship. A more extremist version of Nihilism is Anarchism, they advocated the destruction of national Government preferring the country to be run on a local level.

        The second group of opposition to appear in the 1980’s is the Populists, essentially a intellectual movement rather than a political one. They had two ...

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