What does comparative study of welfare provision in Europe tell us about the welfare system in Britain?

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What does comparative study of welfare provision in Europe tell us about the welfare system in Britain?

Welfare provision emerged with urbanization, industrialization (Bryson, 1992) and is an integral part of any capitalist society (Gough, 1979). When comparing welfare provision cross-nationally, on a macro level the welfare systems do not appear all that different (Bryson, 1992), but with closer examination they are profoundly different. The only similarities that can be detected from one welfare system to another are, history, culture, demography, politics and economy, these are the influencing factors of all welfare systems (Greve, 1983). This essay will discuss comparative studies of welfare provision in Europe with a view to finding out why the British welfare system assumes its current position. The essay will discuss Germany and Sweden specifically, looking at Germany's conservative approach to welfare and Sweden's socialist view, considering Esping- Anderson's (1998) welfare regimes model and looking at the history of both countries welfare systems. It will then consider the stages which the British welfare system has gone through to reach its current form and try and understand why, with consideration of welfare provision in Germany and Sweden.

Welfare provision in Germany has been termed; middle way social policy (George, 1996), and conservative corporatist welfare (Esping-Anderson, 1998) with its Christian, Social and Free Democratic Party roots (Ginsburg, 1993). The 'social state' of Germany began in the late 19th century when Bismarck was concerned the political left would oppose his place in power, he decided to introduce welfare provision into Germany to gain support from the left (Esping-Anderson, 1998). Bismarck's basic idea was that people who were in work would pay into a scheme and this money would be distributed back to the poor (Ginsburg, 1993), he introduced the world's first State Social Insurance Scheme in 1883 (Bryson, 1992). The welfare system was about the basic needs of the state, with individuals helping themselves, the state would only intervene if it was absolutely necessary (Ginsburg, 1993). It was upon this base that Germany placed the future of welfare provision.

Between 1950 and 1970 Germany's welfare system started to take shape. Interested in individual well being, the Christian, Catholic and Trade Unionists sections of the Government were introducing policies to increase job security (George, 1996). The neo- liberal ideas of strong market economy, individualism and democratic culture paired with the egalitarian approach to policy saw very distinctive priorities forming, of liberalism, conservative reformism and Catholic social ethics (George, 1996). These priorities allowed the German Government's Social Insurance Scheme to promote a strong work ethic and individual self-help, keeping individuals secure and predictable and because the employer as well as the employees financed the Insurance Scheme (Esping-Anderson, 1998), it allowed for administration to be decentralized (George, 1996). So by the 1970's Germany enjoyed full employment because of this partnership between employers and trade unions. The Insurance scheme allowed individuals to feel secure because they had access to health care, although they had to pay for some aspects of health care privately, housing allowances were introduced for low-income families and the old age pension scheme was fully implemented.
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The welfare provision of Sweden is regarded one of the most comprehensive welfare systems in the world (Greve, 1983), providing all of its citizens with a very high standard of living and full employment (Esping-Anderson, 1998). The Swedish welfare system can be attributed to the Social Democratic Party who, because they remained in power for a great number of years (Ginsburg, 1993), were able to build up the largest and most expensive egalitarian welfare system (Ginsburg, 1993). This kind of welfare provision came about very gradually, when there was a shift in ideology in the 1930's. The Social ...

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