Why are some pressure groups more successful than others?

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Why are some pressure groups more successful than others?

A pressure group is an organisation that may be formal or informal whose purpose is to further the interests of a specific section of society or to promote a certain cause; there are many reasons why a pressure group would want to do this too. There are various degrees of success with pressure groups, ranging from amending or passing Acts of Parliament to gaining public support.

   One thing that can alter a pressure group’s success is whether the group is an insider or outsider group, and its relationship with the government. An insider group is one that operates within the political system and which normally has support from MP’s, they are normally consulted by the government on matters that may affect the group or its members. The British Medical Association is an insider group and is consulted by the government regularly, recently they were included in discussions over the proposed NHS reforms and as a result of those talks the reforms were altered. Insider groups will have regular contact with MP’s and other decision makers and so have more opportunities to influence them and their policies. However, an outsider group is one that operates outside the government, they have no special links with them but they still seek to influence decision makers by (usually) mobilising public opinion, an example would be Fathers 4 justice. They’re generally not involved in the Law Making process and so don’t have a chance to influence legislation. This may be due to previous protests or demonstrations which have made their relationship with the government hostile. Generally, Insider groups would be more successful that outsider groups because of the influences that they do hold and the power they have to change the decisions made by the government.

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   The tactics and methods used by a pressure group can also affect its successfulness, such as advertising. Groups that use advertising campaigns such as NSPCC and GOSH (Television advertisement campaigns) appeal to a wide audience and often make the group a household name. By generating the attention, they become more publicised and gain more members or in the case of the NSPCC, donations which helps generate their campaigns. Another method used by pressure groups is participating in publicity stunts. In 2008, Greenpeace campaigned against the 3rd runway at Heathrow Airport by breaking into the airport and protesting on top of ...

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A good essay with some excellent use of examples in places. The answer does address the question although it is lacking in places in evaluation and analysis of the factors that lead to some pressure groups being more successful than others. ****