Why have attempts to implement the peace settlement of 1993 failed? The long running feud between the Arabs and Israelis has been going on for hundreds of years

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Why have attempts to implement the peace settlement of 1993 failed? The long running feud between the Arabs and Israelis has been going on for hundreds of years. Changes had to be made. The US held sponsored talks in 1992/1993 but failed to make any impact in the situation. However thanks to the Norwegian diplomacy secret peace talks were held in Oslo, Norway between members of the PLO and of the Israeli government had much greater success. These talks eventually led to mutual agreement by the PLO and Israel in September 1993.The PLO an Israelis continued a process of negotiations with the goal of bringing a definite solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. This long drawn out process ended with success and the signing of a peace agreement between the Arabs and Israelis at the White house
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on September 13th. After many tiring months of meetings, Yasser Arafat repeated his 1988 assertions: the PLO would recognize the state of Israel, wanted peace, and renounced terrorism and violence. This was a historic event in the Middle East history as it was the first time the Arabs and Palestinians had met face to face in secret which bridged a huge gap between the 2 states. The first stage of the agreement was withdrawal of Israeli troops from 60% of Gaza and from the West Bank town of Jericho. The agreement planned a timetabled withdrawal of Israeli troops for the ...

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