Why Israeli opinion is so deeply divided about the current peace negotiations and what should be done about the occupied territories?

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Chris Worrall 11B/l

History Coursework

Why Israeli opinion is so deeply divided about the current peace negotiations and what should be done about the occupied territories?

Both Arabs and Israelis have differing opinions on the occupied territories (west bank, Gaza strip, Golan Heights) and how the problems should be solved. The Israelis have three different divisions, with each division having a different opinion about the conflict, the left wing, right wing and centre groups do not agree on one solution. Some of the groups wanting peace have joined together to try and get peace but their views on other things are different. The groups do this because if an individual group does not get above 50% of the over all votes than that group cannot come to power. The different groups join together so that their chances of coming to power are significantly higher. The groups that have joined together may agree on some issues but disagree on others which could cause major problems, this is known as coalition government.

Labour is a left-wing party which believes in getting peace as soon as possible whether the violence stops or not. This party run by Mitzna got 19 seats in the latest election, this shows that there is a large percentage of Israelis wanting peace, and are prepared to vote for extreme left wing parties. The centre party Shinui run by Yosef Tommy Lapid only achieved 6 seats in the latest election; many Palestinians want a quick solution to the Palestinian problems so they vote for more extreme parties who will get a solution peacefully or with force. The right wing party Likud run by Sharon, believes in bringing down Palestinian militants and the terrorist infrastructure. This party had been losing votes in pervious Knesset but lately its seats have increased from 19 to 37. I believe that the latest Terrorist acts and the war on Iraq have a lot to do with the increase in Israelis voting for extreme political parties.

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Parties like Labour are prepared to listen to both sides of the argument and come up with a solution where both sides can live together peacefully; most Israelis want peace and wouldn’t mind sharing Israel with the Arabs. However reports like “An Israeli security guard is killed in a suicide bomb attack at a railway stationwould change people opinions and views towards peace. These terrorist attacks make Israeli opinion move more right wing because their lives are at risk, their family and friend’s lives are at risk and some one close to them could have been killed or injured ...

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