Year 12 Essay On Utilitarianism

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Charlotte Betting

Year 12 Essay On Utilitarianism

  1. What are the key features of Utilitarianism


b) Identify the problems of Utilitarianism to what extent do they make Utilitarianism unacceptable?

     Jeremy Bentham founded Utilitarianism. He lived at a time of great change. With revolutions in France and America, demands were being made for human rights and greater democracy. Bentham worked on legal reform. Utilitarianism is associated with the principle of utility. Utility means the amount of satisfaction or pleasure that somebody gains from consuming a commodity, product, or service, i.e.;useful.

     The hedonic calculus, which is his system for measuring how good or bad a consequence is:

At the time Bentham put forward the theory it was instrumental. It changed the way society was run and the way society now thinks for the better. It dramatically made changes to the poverty in Britain positively.

     Theories that are interested in the ends are known as teleological. Telos is Greek for the end. Therefore teleological means that the ends justify the means, utilitarianism follows this rule. Utilitarianism is the greatest goodness for the greatest number of people. The rightness of actions depends on their utility, and the utility is measured by the consequences, simply meaning the greatest good by moral actions. If the consequences are good, then the moral actions are not as relevant.

A positive example is “Lucy wins the lottery. Instead of keeping it all to herself, Lucy decides to share it out with some of her friends, because she thinks it will make them happy.”

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Lucy is doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people and is doing it using goodness from her morals.

A negative example is “James, Peter and Matthew are sexually frustrated and are on a desert island with Louise. Louise does not want to have sex. James, Peter and Matthew rape Louise, as there are three of them and one of her.”

This is the greatest good for the greatest number of people; however it is an immoral action.

     Bentham was an empiricist (the philosophical belief that all knowledge is derived from the experience of the ...

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