A Personal Evaluation of the Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychology

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A Personal Evaluation of the Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychology

Origins and History

For many centuries, the treatment applied to those suffering mental disorders was extremely barbaric. It was thought that mental diseases were caused by demons or other supernatural forces. However, real progress in solving the origins of mental illness was achieved by the Austrian mystic and physician, Franz Mesmer. He managed to show that using the power of suggestion when in a trance-like state could cure some mental disorders. Members of the Nancy School argued that suggestion could not only cure mental illness but could also cause it in the first place.

The most influential psychoanalyst of recent times is Sigmund Freud. His name is referred to more than any other psychologists in psychology literature. He is well known for his theory on personality development. His fame rests largely on his position as the originator of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis refers to a complex set of theories about human emotional development. His fame rests largely on his position as the originator of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis refers to a complex set of theories about human emotional development and to a form of treatment based on theoretical ideas.


The psychoanalytic approach is an approach to psychology which seeks to explain the unconscious mind and the influence of earlier experiences. This suggests that behaviour and feelings as adults are rooted in our childhood experiences and our behaviour and feelings are powerfully affected by the meaning of events to the unconscious mind and by unconscious motives.
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Freud believed there were three major parts to personality. The largest thd unconscious part, the 'id', works on animal instinct and the pleasure principle. The 'ego', which develops slightly later in life, is the conscious, problem solving part of personality which strives to please the id, and works on the reality principle. The 'super ego' is the last component of personality to develop and is concerned with moral judgement and feelings. The idea of an iceberg can be used to portray his ideas. Over two thirds of personality is said to be in the unconscious sea, most of ...

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