A2 perceptual thoeries

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1) Outline two or more studies into the development of perceptual abilities. (12 marks)

Many researchers have performed studies to distinguish whether our perceptual abilities are a result of nature or nurture. One way of testing this are studies using non-human animals.
Held and Hein used a kitten carousel to study kittens movement using their vision. Two kittens were kept in the carousel in darkness for 8 weeks, spending only 3hours a day with light. As the active kitten moved itself around the carousel its movements were transmitted to the passive kitten. Both kittens moved at the same pace and had exactly the same visual experience. When placed onto the deep side of the visual cliff apparatus they showed no evidence of depth perception, but soon learned the normal avoidance responses. This shows that what the kittens failed to learn was the correct motor response associated with depth perception rather than with depth perception itself. These studies can only be measured by observing animal behaviours and there physiological response, it is also hard to know whether deprived animals do not perceive particular stimuli

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However, there are studies which provide evidence that perceptual abilities are due to nurture. A cross cultural study conducted by Segal et al supports this. He used the Muller Lyer illusion with people from African and Filipino cultures. When compared to white South Africans and Americans, the Africans and Filipinos were much less sceptical to the Muller Lyer illusion. This is because people from these cultures live in high open country where vertical objects are important focal points to estimate distance. The White South Americans and Americans, on the other hand, were more sceptical to the Muller Lyer illusion. ...

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