Are all parents responsible for their children's behaviour?

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Are all parents responsible for their children’s behaviour?

Functionalists see the family as the basic and most vital part in society.  Relationships between members of the society are organised by rules.  Values provide general guidance for behaviour therefore social order in society.  The nuclear unit provides husband and wife with very clear social rules.  The family are responsible for the socialisation of children and teaching them cultural values and norms.  Functionalists would stress how important it is to teach social values to children in order to maintain conformity.  The role of parents and teachers in passing on good values and norms to the youngsters is stressed. Marxists would agree to a certain extent, however, Marxist see society as 2 parts-  an infra-structure and a super structure, infra structure being the ruling class and working class and super structure such as mass media and family etc.  Marxists see the 2 structures as being unequal and based upon conflict because the Ruling class (capitalists) aim to extract the maximum labour from the workers at the lowest cost.  The function of the mass media, education and family is to reproduce the values of the ruling class so that the working class are unaware of the conflicts which divide them from the capitalists.

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According to research, it is believed that the type of parenting children receive influences their level of delinquency; children are also influenced by a wide range of other factors such as socio economic status, the community and the socialisation of the child, however, on top of all these factors, parents have a very important influence on a child’s behaviour, because a child looks up to their parents as a role model.  ‘’ Put simply, the findings show that good parenting can prevent crime’’ (guardian newspaper).  From a functionalists point of view, it suggests that parents should teach them values ...

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