Asch aimed to investigate the effects of group pressure on individuals in unambiguous situations

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Aims and context of Asch

Conformity is the change in behaviour of the minority to fit the behaviour of the majority. It is an important process for psychologists to understand as it is thought to have a significant impact on many of our behaviours and the decisions we make in many situations. For example, how juries make decisions and student behaviour in a classroom.

Jenness in 1932 asked students to guess how many beans there were in a jar. Then they were given and opportunity to discuss their estimates and asked to give their individual estimates again. He found that the individual estimates tended to converge to a group norm.

Sherif in 1935 conducted an investigation using the auto kinetic effect (a stationary spot of light is projected on to a screen which appears to move). He told them he was going to move the light and asked them to estimate how far the light had moved. They estimated individually and then asked to work within 3 others who gave different estimates they were then asked to give another estimate; these became quite similar to the norm.

 An issue with these studies is that Asch thought their research was limited and did not really measure conformity. Asch believed that Sherif’s research was limited by the fact that the auto kinetic effect situation is ambiguous and therefore did not reflect real conformity.

Asch aimed to investigate the effects of group pressure on individuals in unambiguous situations; he wanted to find out if when confronted with an obviously incorrect answers which perpetuated this error or whether they would give an independent response.  

Procedures of Asch

The participants were 123 male student volunteers from local colleges in the US.  Each participant was told that they would be taking part in a psychological experiment into ‘visual judgements’ and were asked to compare lengths of lines.  

The participants were directed to a room where the study would take place and they joined a group of seven to nine other ‘participants’ who were in fact confederates of the researcher.  They were shown two white cards; one card had a single vertical lone known as the standard line. The second had 3 vertical lines, one matching the standard and the other two being significantly different lengths.

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The group were asked to verbally report which line matched the standard line and was repeated 18 times. The naive participant is seated in the second to last seat and do not know the other participants are confederates and the experiment is actually on conformity.

Initially, all of the participants and confederates gave the correct answers.  On the third trial, the confederates all gave the same, incorrect answer.  The seating was so arranged so the participant was the last to give their answer.  Whether the participant agreed with the confederates or not was noted by the researchers

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