Bowlby claimed that children who experience early and lasting separations from their primary attachment figure would experience later emotional maladjustment - Consider the extent to which Bowlby's research has been supported.

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Rebecca Johnson


Bowlby claimed that children who experience early and lasting separations from their primary attachment figure would experience later emotional maladjustment. Consider the extent to which Bowlby’s research has been supported by research evidence related to privation (24 marks)

Bowlby’s maternal deprivation hypothesis supports this idea that if a child is unable to form a warm, intimate and continuous relationship with its primary care giver. Bowlby demonstrated this idea in his study of 44 thieves. Bowlby used 88 clients’ form a child guidance clinic where he worked. Out the 88 children 44 were the ‘thieves’, due to the fact that they had been referred to the clinic because of stealing. He identified these as been affectionless psychopaths, because they appeared to have little sense of social responsibility and showed no guilt for their crimes. The other children referred to the clinic had not committed any crimes, were emotionally maladjusted, but did not show any signs of antisocial behavior. These children were not diagnosed as affectionless psychopaths and they acted as the control group. Bowlby then interviewed the children and their parents and was able to build up a record of their early life experiences. His overall findings were that 86% of the ‘thieves’ diagnosed as affectionless psychopaths had experienced early and prolonged separations from their mothers whereas very few of the other children had experienced these separations. Therefore he concluded that early and lasting separations do lead to the later emotional maladjustment.

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Bowlby’s hypothesis has been supported by research evidence into privation to a great extent.  Privation is when there is a lack of an attachment. There have been two main lines of evidence regarding privation. These are a set of case histories of children raised in extreme isolation and longitudinal studies of children in institutional care. The case histories of children who have been raised in isolated and deprived circumstances demonstrate that firstly some children never recover form their early privation and some children show remarkable recovery. There are three main cases of isolation, Isabelle, Czechoslovakian twins and Genie. Mason ...

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