Briefly describe and evaluate the behaviourist approach to abnormality

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Briefly describe and evaluate the behaviourist approach to abnormality

According to the behaviourist approach to abnormality, individuals with mental disorders possess maladaptive forms of behaviour which have been learnt. Hence the approach makes use of the leaning theory, which takes the form of classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning was demonstrated first by Pavlov (1927) and used a classical study by Watson and Rayner involving an infant called “Little Albert”. This study showed that learning occurs through associating things together. Operant conditioning involves learning a new response as a result of the fact that, in the past, the same response has resulted in a reward or reinforcement as demonstrated by Skinner (1952).

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The behaviourist model is scientific as it is based on empirical evidence and because the data that it uses is observable, measurable, recordable, but most importantly it is quantifiable. Behaviourists also believe that abnormal behaviour is learnt through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning. Treatment involves trying to unlearn old maladaptive behaviours and learn new adaptive ones. There are many examples of treatment. Systematic desensitisation introduces you to what you fear gradually, flooding is a more vigorous approach and aversive treatment pars us something you fear with something you like.

One strength of this model is that it ...

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