Briefly describe the processes of classical conditioning. What are the main implications for the explanation and control of human behaviour?

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Kathryn Perkin                 First year psychology essay, Semester one        David Spicer group 1

Briefly describe the processes of classical conditioning. What are the main implications for the explanation and control of human behaviour?

I. P. Pavlov (1902-1928) discovered classical conditioning whilst he was actually investigating the gastro - intestinal system of dogs. He realised that events that had previously had no effect or relationship to a certain reflex on a dog through time and training could trigger a reflex. This is the basis of classical conditioning. There are four main elements of classical conditioning. These are:

-Unconditioned Stimulus

-Unconditioned Response

-Conditioned Stimulus

-Conditioned Response

An unconditioned Stimulus is a natural stimulus, which causes the natural unconditioned response. Then as I just explained there are conditioned stimuli which in time and learning causes conditioned responses.

This can be explained simply as follows.

When a dog eats it salivates. The eating of the food is the unconditioned stimulus and the salivating is the unconditioned response. If you then ring a bell every time you give the dog food it will begin to learn that the bell means food (conditional stimulus) and will salivate at the sound of the bell and the giving of the food (conditioned response). After a long enough period of time the dog would start to salivate merely at the sound of the bell. However at the beginning, on first hearing the bell the dog would just be interested in what the noise was and maybe turn around and look at where the sound is coming from. This is called the orienting reflex.

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Pavlov came to the conclusion that the conditioning process creates a new connection in the brain between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. Once conditioning is complete whenever the conditioned stimulus is present the unconditioned stimulus is activated via this new connection, which in turn activates the unconditioned response and conditioned response.

What needs to be however realised is that it is not a response that once learnt is never forgotten. A process of extinction can occur. This would occur if the unconditioned response was taken away. The dog would eventually learn that the connection didn’t exist anymore. However ...

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