Britain and the Second World War - source related study.

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Jamila Khan 11B

Coursework assignment 2 – Britain and the Second World War

  1. Source B is a photograph of children being.  In the photo, they look as if they are actually running to the train station, this indicates that they were excited about this “adventure” they were going on.  Maybe they didn’t realize then, but parents must have explained the idea of evacuation as a temporary holiday, this is why they might be excited.  As this photo was taken in the beginning of the war (1939), it supports my idea that people that people wanted to send their children away to be safe.  Although this photo is quite upbeat, the people may have been photographed for another purpose. Most people are smiling and waving at the camera, so this suggests that it might have been posed for a propaganda source. This supports my idea of this photo being used to encourage parents to send their children away to be evacuated. I know that propaganda was used to do this because evacuation was voluntary, with parents deciding whether to send their children away.    

Source C shows the tension of evacuation remembered by a schoolteacher of those times.  Although this interview was taken years after the event in 1988, this kind of experience must have been hard to forget. Although this interview was taken in 1988, I still believe it to be reliable.  The source explains the sadness and haste of the journey.  However I do not believe some of the aspects mentioned in the interview, such as “we hadn't the slightest idea where we were going” and “mothers weren’t allowed with us”.  I don’t think this is exactly true because according to my knowledge evacuation had been planned in great detail.  I also know that in London 524,000 children went with their mothers.  

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In conclusion, I think that source B is more useful as it shows how propaganda was necessary to encourage parents to send their children away.  I also think that source B is more useful compared to source C because it suggests things that we know are not always true.  

  1. Most children were evacuated from London.  Children lived a very different lifestyle in the countryside to that in the cities.  Children were mixed with people of different class and religion.  Foster parents expected this and thought the children would be poor.  This is shown in source G.  “She ...

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