compare and contrast two theories of language development

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Compare and contrast two theories of language development

Language is the main way in which human beings communicate.” (Beaver, M et Al. 2001. p.139). It is used in different ways to socialise and express a persons needs. There are four main theories of language development but I will explore those of Noam Chomsky and B F Skinner.

In the 1960’s Chomsky explored the idea that “language development is innate and genetically predetermined.” (Bruce, T and Meggitt, C. 2005. p.113). He believed that children are born with the necessary physical and intellectual abilities to acquire language, and therefore are able to invent new words and sentences that they have not previously heard. He suggests children learn to talk through their Language Acquisition Device (LAD). He suggests this structure consists of speech-producing mechanisms, the ability to understand, and parts of the brain. Chomsky’s theory is therefore a nature theory as he states the “ability to learn language is instinctive.” (Tassoni, P. 2006. p.424).

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Skinner’s theory is a nurture theory, as he believes that we learn language through encouragement and reinforcement. He suggests that “we learn language mainly because when babies try to communicate, their efforts are rewarded or reinforced in some way” (Tassoni, P. 2006. p.423) and so this is a nurture approach. Parents or carers reinforce or encourage the baby through smiles, eye contact and spoken encouragement. Skinner believes that it is “this idea of reinforcement” (Tassoni, P. 2006. p.423) that explains why babies stop making some sounds. He suggests that if the child doesn’t hear any reinforcement or recognition of a ...

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This essay makes an attempt to answer the question and to some extent succeeds. It is somewhat brief in depth however so the opportunity to demonstrate a good academic understanding of the issues is reduced to little over one page. There is room for more AO2 especially developing the points made by the writer and comparing as well as contrasting the theories.