Compare the explanations for relationship breakdown given by exchange and equity theory. Which do you consider the most convincing and why?

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Compare the explanations for relationship breakdown given by exchange and equity theory. Which do you consider the most convincing and why?

The social exchange theory was suggested by Thibaut and Kelley in 1959 who said that people exchange resources with the expectation or the hope that they will earn a “profit”. Rewards we may receive from a relationship includes being cared for, companionship and sex. Costs may include financial investment, effort and time wasted. The social exchange theory stresses that commitment to a relationship is dependent on the profitability of the outcome. To see how profitable the relationship would be, we use “comparison level” where the person uses past experiences to have general views on what we expect from future partners. If we judge that the potential profit in a new relationship exceeds our comparison level then the relationship is seen as worthwhile and there the person is seen as more attractive. However, if the profit is less than the comparison level, then we will be dissatisfied with the relationship and therefore the person would be seen as less attractive.

Another explanation for relationship breakdown was given by Walster eta al 1978 called the equity theory. Messick and Cook (1978) suggested that people strive to achieve fairness in their relationship and feel distressed if they perceive unfairness. People who give a great deal into a relationship and gets very little in return would perceive inequity and therefore dissatisfied in the relationship. However, the same applies for those who give very little in relationship but receive a great deal in return. This is also an inequitable relationship with the same consequences for both partners- dissatisfaction. An equitable relationship is one where one partner’s benefits minus their cost equals their partner’s benefits less their costs. If we perceive inequity in our relationship we are motivated to restore it and this can be done in several ways. Firstly, change how much we put into the relationship and demand more out of it. Secondly, we compare our relationship to comparison level to see whether the relationship is worth continuing with or to find a new one.

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In my opinion the social exchange theory is the most convincing as there is sufficient evidence for both components of the theory. A study which supports the “comparison level” was done by Simpson et al (1990), who asked participants to rate members of the opposite sex in terms of attractiveness. Those participants who were already involved in a relationship gave lower ratings. This is supportive of the social exchange theory as it indicates that we do have a “comparison level” of which we judge or compare against.

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