Conformity and Obedience Essay

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Richard Murphy

Conformity and Obedience Essay

From the moment we are born we enter a society where it is the norm to conform and obey. From a very young age we learn that if we do not obey then we will suffer the consequences for these actions. People within society have a desire to be accepted and to belong; whether to a group or a family this social influence can change our thoughts, feeling and even our behaviour. So can we truly be an individual or are we pre-defined by a set of social boundaries?

‘Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth’ (J F. Kennedy). Kennedy feels that by conforming you are giving up your freedom as an individual to whom/what you are conforming to. In doing this you relinquish your ability to grow and have your own thoughts and act on them; whilst conforming a person cannot flourish. Many psychologists have conducted experiments to try and ascertain what makes people conform and the effects that this has on the individual and their social environment.

Stanley Milgram’s is regarded as one of the most thought provoking psychologists in social psychology. Influenced by Solomon Asch and Gordon Allport, Milgram conducted many experiments on obedience to authority, most notably his learner teacher experiment conducted at Yale University. The aim of this study was to answer the following question: Was it that Eichmann and his accomplices in the Holocaust had a mutual intent, in at least with regard to the goals of the Holocaust? Milgram believed that everyone is capable of doing bad things if they are led to believe that they are doing it for a ‘greater good’, he tried to validate the actions of the German soldiers during the Holocaust. These soldiers believed they were acting on behalf of someone that knew better. Where people are put into an uncomfortable situation and are unable to assess the correct way in which to deal with this situation they tend to look to someone that they believe is more knowledgeable than they are. ‘We conform because we believe that other’s interpretation of an ambiguous situation is more accurate than ours and will help is choose an appropriate course of action’ (Aronson, et al., 2005). This is an example of Informational social influence theory (ISI) (Muzafer Sherif, 1935), conflicting to this is Normative Influence Theory (NI) (Bibb Latané, 1980). NI is the influence from peer pressure; people can act on NI for a number of reasons. It can be for fear of rejection, a desire for approval or to show a level of loyalty to a group.

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Kaplan and Miller investigate and summarise theses different types of influence and which one dominates when in group discussions. ‘Groups and individuals often shift their preferences following discussion of an issue. Explanations for such shifts typically invoke either informational or normative influence processes. The former refers to influence based on sharing of facts or persuasive arguments about the issue, and the latter refers to conformity to implicit decision norms and others' preferences. We investigated conditions under which one or the other influence mode predominates during discussion. Groups discussed and made decisions on either an intellective issue (attempting to discover the ...

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