Critically evaluate psychological explanation of love

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Critically evaluate psychological explanation of Love.

The Triangular theory by Sternberg states that love contains 3 components: Passion, intimacy and commitment. Passion is the drive that leads to physical and romantic attraction or even sex. Intimacy is the feeling of closeness between the 2 partners which may involve the mutual understanding and emotional support. Commitment is the decision made to stay with this partner and give up relationships with other potential partners. These 3 components combine in different ways to form 7 types of love. The most perfect, yet the hardest to achieve, is the consummate love. It contains a balance of these 3 components. However, where there are 1 or 2 components largely/totally missing, different types of love occur. For examples, infatuate love only involves passion (e.g. a crush on someone). Sternberg believes each individual has 2 triangular loves: one is their ideal relationship and the other is the current one. If they are very similar, an individual tends to have a very successful love.

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However these 3 components suggested are rather vague. This is particular the case for “commitment” as it is difficult to judge the basis on which one person decides to love another (Hamma). Since there are no objective measurements, individuals may have their own standard to measure. This means it lacks the account for individual differences and thus is not very useful in explaining one’s love. However, although there are no clear distinctions to measure, it certainly provides a sense of direction for people to follow if they want to improve their relationships. Couples can discuss and analyse their diff ...

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