There are two types of cell division: Mitosis and Meiosis. During mitosis an exact replica of the parent cell is produced, these are known as ‘daughter cells’, essentially copies of the parent cell – as they contain the identical genetic information. This type of cell replication allows for the replacement of damaged/old cells, tissue repair, and growth – these cells are sometimes referred to as ‘somatic cells’.

In sexually reproducing organisms, cells known as ‘sex cells’ are able to divide by another called meiosis. This type of cell division results in the production of gametes.

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Meiosis involves two subsequent divisions of genetic material. Gametes are referred to as haploid (n), as they contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell that they were created from. The testes (male gonads) and the ovaries (female gonads) are the sites of gamete formation, the processes are known as gametogenesis, spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

Meiosis explanation:

Gamete formation occurs in sexually reproducing organisms. During this type of cell production the diploid (2n) number of chromosomes is halved; then is then referred to as a haploid (n), effectively half the number of chromosomes present in the organic cell, ...

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