Describe and discuzz the Behaviourist approach to psychology

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Leigh-Ann Cooke

Describe and discuss the behaviourists approach in psychology

The behaviourists base their study on examining individuals and their response to stimuli.  They believed that we should only study what we can see; therefore they studied directly observable behaviour. The behaviourists did this because they believed that it was incorrect to try and measure what we cannot see, as this leads to inaccuracy. It is for these reasons that the behaviourists carry out their study on behaviour as it is directly observable and the learning process can be studied objectively. The behaviourists believe that we are all born as ‘blank slate upon which experience writes’.

 The behaviourists believed in stimulus-response psychology (S-R), this is shown through the study of Pavlov. Pavlov was an early psychologist born in 1849 on September 14. Pavlov was a Russian physiologist whose research on the physiology led to the development of the first experimental model of learning, Classical Conditioning. Most of his research was gathered studying salivation in dogs.

Pavlov concluded that he was able to pair a neutral stimulus with a response producing stimulus and have the neutral stimulus eventually elicit the response that was associated with the original, unlearned reflex.

The paradigm for this is Pavlov’s experiment. In Classical Conditioning terminology, an unconditioned stimulus (US) is an event that causes a response to occur, which is referred to as the unconditioned response (UR). And, in Pavlov's study with dogs, the food within the dog's mouth is the US, and the salivation that occurred is the UR. Pavlov noticed that sometimes that dog would begin to salivate on sight on the experimenter bringing the food; Pavlov phrased these secretions brought on by the stimuli ‘psychic secretions’.

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Pavlov took a step further and added an element known as the conditioned stimulus (CS), which is paired with the US.

Pavlov used a metronome as the CS which he rang first, then fed the dogs. This pairing would eventually establish the dog's conditioned response of salivating to the sound of the metronome. After repeating this procedure several times, Pavlov was able to remove the US (food) and by ringing the bell only the dog would salivate (CR). Since the bell alone now produced the unconditioned response (salivation), the association had been established; therefore the dog was fully conditioned.


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