Describe and evaluate research into the formation and maintenance of relationships

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Describe and evaluate research into the formation and maintenance of relationships (24)

The sociobiological theory is a theory that refers to the use of revolutionary ideas to explain the social behaviour of animals.Wilson argues that human sexual attraction and behaviour may be explained through an understanding of survival fish and sea.  He argues that there is a bargaining between men and women, which characterises and defines their sexual relationships.  It is, he says in the interests of the mail to impregnate as many women as possible, as this increases the chances of his genes being handed down as copiously as possible into the next generation.  This is because a man's sperm is vastly capable of producing.  Conversely, a woman may produce only one egg per month.  Whereas the measures capable father in an almost infinite number of children in a relatively short period of time, the woman usually carries just one pregnancy at a time.  The best chance of the gene surviving into the next generation is for her to ensure that as the survival of of the few offspring that she is capable of producing during her reproductive lifetime.

        One limitation of this theory is that all the emphasis on the production.  This theory presume that's extra attraction and behaviour is about reproduction.  For many people, more sexual unions are not directed towards bearing children.  Many people now elected to be childless.  The theory also produce heterosexuality.  Explaining homosexual relationships in the same way is clearly problematic, such relationship are not linked to a productive advantages for either partner.  Therefore this theory is criticised for being reductionist.

        However this theory does have evolutionary advantages.  It offers a plausible explanation for the air pollution specifically preferences that exist today.  In revolutionary past, mental selected partners who were law in reproductive capacity would have experienced law reproductive success then mental selected mates with peak with productive value.

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        In spite of this, there is an ethical concern that the sociobiological theory may be seen as supporting gender stereotypes and endorsing behaviours which perpetuate the so-called double standard, allowing men sexual privileges and freedoms which women are denied.

        Another theory of the formation of relationships is the reinforcement effect model put forward by Byrne and Clore.  They stated that we spend time in social relationships is because we might find them positively rewarding order to find life along unpleasant and unrewarding.  This model tries to explain the social relationships in terms of the influence that reinforcing behaviour has over ...

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Summary The writer has answered the essay question and has provided some of the research available on the formation and maintenance of relationships. The introduction however, could be improved by explaining briefly about 'natural selection' and 'evolutionary theory'. At times the writer has missed words out or used an incorrect word which confuses the reader. Also referencing needs to always include both the authors and the date. However, most theories have been covered and good criticisms have been included . Better planning of the essay would improve the score. Rating score 3 *