Describe and evaluate two or more biological explanations of schizophrenia

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  1. Describe and evaluate two or more biological explanations of schizophrenia (30 marks)

Schizophrenia is a server disorder that is characterized by disturbances in thought, emotion and behaviour. This idea of schizophrenia came from Krapelin and Bleuer in the later 19 th century. The word schizophrenia comes from the Greek words ‘schizen’ (meaning split) and ‘spren’ (meaning mind). Two major types of schizophrenia are catatonic schizophrenia, where patients alternate between immobility and excitement, and paranoid schizophrenia, where patients possesses delusion such as delusions of grandeur (perhaps seeing themselves as Napoleon) or delusional jealousy, where they might believe their partner is having an affair.   (doesn’t explain the ?)

One of the problems in classifying schizophrenia is that the range of symptoms is so wide that different patients sometimes have no symptoms in common. A classic study by Rosenham (on being sane in insane places) also showed that psychiatrists were all too willing to diagnose the disorder despite very limited information on patient’s symptoms. It has even been suggested that American psychologists were 10 times more likely to diagnose schizophrenia than their British counterparts. This leads to the conclusion that the best way to cure oneself of schizophrenia is to cross the Atlantic! (doesn’t answer ?)

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A major explanation of schizophrenia is that it is caused by excessive activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine. In schizophrenics neurons that use dopamine fire too often and transmit too many messages. As a result, the symptoms associated with schizophrenia appear. Evidence for the dopamine hypothesis comes from the use of antipsychotic drugs (the dopamine antagonists), which block receptor sites for dopamine and reduce its activity. This reduces the symptoms. Other drugs, such as amphetamines, increase dopamine activity and may lead to schizophrenic-like symptoms. Autopsies of the brains of dead schizophrenics have shown that they have far more dopamine antagonists, ...

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The writer has made some good points about the condition of schizophrenia. However to improve the essay it would be advisable for the writer to make a plan. There should be a good definition of schizophrenia at the beginning of the essay, as well as an explanation of the symptoms and behaviour associated with the condition. After the initial introduction, it would then be advisable to give a good explanation about what the biological explanation for schizophrenia includes. Then the writer could discuss further the biological explanations chosen eg. genetics, biochemical factors, brain structures etc. Various referenced studies, some already mentioned, could then be used to back up any statements made. Finally, a conclusion can be drawn using the aforementioned information.