Describe and evaluate two social psychological theories into aggression.

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Q: Describe and evaluate two social psychological theories into aggression.

A:        Aggression is an emotive term that is very much part of our everyday difficult word to define precisely because of the various ways the word is used in everyday language.

Berkowitz (1989) and Bandura (1965) said that aggressive behaviour of nonhuman animals can be explained in terms of instinctual drives, aggression in humans is the product of learning.

Banduras social learning theory said that that we learnt through direct experience (classical conditioning + operant conditioning) this predicted the likelihood of someone behaving aggressively in a particular situation by their previous experience of aggressive behaviour (their own + others), how successful their aggressive behaviour was in the past and the current likelihood of their behaviour being rewarded or punished.

Bandura et al. (1963) did an experiment into children learning aggression. He divided up 66 nursery school children into three groups. All three groups watched a film where an adult model kicked and punched a Bobo doll. In condition 1 the children saw the adult model being rewarded by a second adult, in condition 2 children saw a second adult telling off the adult model for the aggressive behaviour and in condition 3 the adult model was neither rewarded nor punished. The children were then allowed to play in the room with the Bobo doll whilst experimenters watched through a one-way mirror.

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Results showed that children in condition 1 behaved most aggressively which backs up Banduras social learning theory as it says we learn through indirect experience, imitation and through observation so the adults showed approval for aggressive behaviour.. In condition 2 the children behaved least aggressively so this also gives Bandura positive results for his theory, as the children did not act violently towards the Bobo Doll as they observed the adult getting told off for hitting it so they have learnt through indirect experience. Even so we must make an important distinction between learning and performance as all the children ...

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